After reading the article and creating a 'mind map' for Learning in the21st Century, I did not find any new or significantly noteworthy concepts in the article.
We already know that technology will enable the classroom of 'the future'. I believe it will be more of a financial constraint to keep technology current in schools. Budget cuts people! As schools become populated with teachers fresh from college, I think we will see a natural infusion of technology in the classroom.
The subjects haven't really changed over the years- Trigonometry, English Lit, Biology, French, Phys Ed...still there! I believe educators have a grasp on how to execute these courses today.
Based on the article, the 'electives' that are offered today will become a new focus and factor for success for the 21st Century Learner. It is in these courses where educators will need to become more proficient in order to teach the 21st Century Learner.
Web design, Journalism, Yearbook, Leadership, CAD, Drama, Ceramics. Electives in many schools, allow students to tap into the right brain. The under appreciated side. It's the side with the brilliant ideas.
In the upcoming weeks we are going to cover The Whole New Mind. I've skimmed it a bit and am excited to learn 'why right brainers will rule the future'. I'm a right brainer...And I want to rule the world!
1 comment:
Marcus in 2008! Great Free Mind map!
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